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Previous Updates
30-Apr-2003 09:09 PM
Chobits ep 8 is available! Moved the media site again so I don't need to reduce the quality of the eps quite so much. Yay! All thanks to Shoryu on XSiteClub forums for providing the space for me! Arigatou Shoryu! :D
I've also got new freeloader and streamloader files! Next 2 episodes of Jubei-chan (finally) as well as some random files I'd uploaded myself at some point that were also in my inbox.
I think I should give myself a schedule of encoding, since I'm doing pretty well following the schedule for the Chobits episodes. That way I might become some what more of a reliable source for new freeloader stuff! ;)
I've discovered I have an exam in 3 weeks, so I don't know how much work I'll manage to fit in between now and then. Don't worry. I'll still send requests and upload Chobits! ;) It's whether I'll manage anything else that I'm dubious about. You'll just need to wait and see!
24-Apr-2003 04:43 PM
Back from holiday and Chobits episode 7 had been uploaded! I put it up last night, but by the time all the uploading was finished (and I finished updating my blog), it was kinda late to update here.
Slowly catching up on everything I've missed while I've been away. Don't know how soon I'll be able to update again. Just realised my Maths exam is about a month away. Yikes! And my mum is starting to pester me about collage. ::cringes:: But I do plan on encoding more episodes of Jubei-chan soon, and I'm thinking about starting another series as well. You'll just have to keep checking back... or join the mailing list! :P If you just want messages about updates, you can always set it to 'special notices'. That'll stop random stuff getting to your inbox. :)
This might make more of you ppl join the mailing list. I've got the first 4 tracks from the Chobits OST in the files section. Just a little bonus for members! :P
Anyway, enjoy the next ep of Chobits. I'm off! :)
12-Apr-2003 08:25 PM
Anime Download Links page updated! Gyah! I hate updating that thing! Took me all day. So you'd all better appreciate it! :P Oh, and if you find me making a mistake in there somewhere, let me know. I wouldn't be surprised if I did, but I'll need to know to fix it! ;)
While I'm away next week, there should be others who can send your requests, so you shouldn't need to worry about that (I hope! ;) )
Don't know if I'll do anything tomorrow, since that'll be the last day before I leave. You'll just need to wait and see! :P
11-Apr-2003 09:57 PM
I LIVE! ::coughs:: Almost... Been dying of evil cold thing last week. But the worst is past now. :)
Download media site alive again and Chobits ep 6 uploaded! Had to move hosts for that since the other place died on me and I have no idea how I could fix it. New place has a file size limit so I'm using HJSplit to get past that. Pretty simple program to use so there shouldn't be any problems with that. But the quality of the episode is decreased some more cos of less space.
I'm looking for something else to add to the media site that isn't media so I'm not completely taking advantage of free space. Such as a review or episode guide to Chobits. Anybody wanna help me out there?
Oh, and aparently I'm being dragged on holiday next week. Hopefully the site will stay alive while I'm gone. ;) I'll try and do a bit more before I leave to make up for no updates while I was ill. ::crosses fingers:: Hopefully I'll manage something this weekend.