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Previous Updates
29-Aug-2002 07:02 PM
More mangas have finally been added to the list. I would have added more, but the translators of those explicitly say not to distribute them.
For some reason someone on decided to translate the decription of my site into Spanish O.o I've tried to update it, but it doesn't update immediately, unfortunately...
My next task for the site is to add more fics. There are four that have been waiting to go up for a month now. ::sigh:: But they will go up this time. I'm setting aside everything else on my site to put them up next. Look out for those soon!
23-Aug-2002 08:40 PM
Sorry for not updating yesterday like I said I would, but I felt terrible and just wasn't up to thinking, never mind trying to write HTML. I'm still not feeling all that great, but I need something to take my mind of it a bit ;)
J-pop and Game music has finally been added to the MP3 list. I know, it took me long enough! ;)
The next thing I need to do is add some manga. The problem is finding something that I can actually distribute without causing any problems with the people who made it available. I've got some to put up anyway, so look out for that soon!
21-Aug-2002 05:01 PM
Mp3 list has been updated with more anime music. Remember if you want mp3s, make sure you specify it is mp3s you want, otherwise you may get episodes instead. ;)
J-pop music should be up tomorrow, and depending how long it takes me, game music will be up tomorrow or the day after
Oh, and I've added a new counter. The last one didn't seem to working properly. Hope you like it! :)
And one other thing: Don't forget to vote for this site on!
20-Aug-2002 04:59 PM
Streamload episode lists updated finally! Request what you like in the forum and don't forget to follow the rules that are in the 'How to Request' page.
My plan for the next few days is to add more mp3s. I'll start with more anime mp3s, and then I'll finally get some j-pop and game music up. After all that's done (although it may take a while. I've got quite a lot of music to put up) I'll go on to adding new manga. So look out for more updates! :)
19-Aug-2002 03:40 PM
The poll is now closed! It was pretty close, but more of you liked the new layout better. So the Streamloader list has been changed to the new layout. Nothing new has been added to the lists yet, but depending on how long it takes me, expect plenty of new things later today, or tomorrow.
On a side note, a couple of sites on my Anime Download links page are closing. I'd just like to say farewell to the webmasters and thanks for providing us with anime! Goodbye Dan and Issini! :)
14-Aug-2002 06:50 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates, and the rather erratic visits to the Forum, but my friends and I have been quite busy recently (not to mention I've been watching anime and reading manga a lot recently).
With this update, it's just the links pages that have been added to. I've been waiting for a few more people to vote in the poll for which layout looks best. At the moment, I'm rather reluctant to update the Streamload lists since I don't know which layout to stick to. So I'm setting a closing date for the poll: Sunday 18th August! Keep voting 'til then, and look forward for more anime to be come available! :)
06-Aug-2002 08:16 PM
I have returned! :D Actually I got back a couple of days ago, but Liquid2k doesn't seem to be very stable and I couldn't update. I've now moved the site to a different host (so please tell me if there are any broken links). Hopefully this time the site will be up permanently. I sincerely apologise for any problems you experienced.
After getting a suggestion through the mail, I'm trying out a new layout for the Streamload lists. I'm in 2 minds about how it looks, so I've only edited the Freeloader list and left the Streamloader list as it was. It's up to you to vote which layout you prefer. After all, it is you who is going to care how good it is. All I do is make it ;) So please vote! It would really help me out! :)
(I know nothing new has been added to the Streamload lists, but I'm in the process of uploading just now, so there should be more added soon)