Best viewed in Internet Explorer 5+
Resolution 800x600 or above
Alternate Download Methods
Direct Connect | IRC | Kazaa | eDonkey2000 | WinMX
Peer-to-peer file sharing program
Download from: (for Direct Connect)
Or: (for DC++)
Direct Connect is said to be the best place for older animes, but personally I think it's the best place for anime period! :)
Click here for my 'Recommended Anime Hubs'
Want to download from me? Look in (my current hang-out on DC). My username is Xilmin. If I'm online, then I'm almost certainly in there. You can private message me if you want something from a CD or want a slot. I'll see what I can do. (sometimes I may not reply quickly cos I tend to run DC in the background while I'm working on the site or watching anime or whatever. I try and check it frequently though)
Said to be the best place for newly released anime
Download from:
Personally I find it very confusing, and it doesn't seem to agree with my computer's settings, but I've seen it recommended by many many ppl, so if you want anime, give it a shot! :)
Peer-to-peer application
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Downloads do have a tendancy to run slow, but if what you are looking for is popular then give it a shot. With enough users to download from, it can go surprisingly fast! :)
I'm unsure what to describe this as...
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Don't use this myself, but I've seen links that can only be used by this program, and ppl have suggested getting anime using this on forums. Go to the site to read about it...
File sharing program
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Tends to not be as popular as other file sharing programs, although I don't know why. There are still plenty of ppl sharing anime on it though.
If you know any other programs or sites that you can share anime with, then please contact me and then I can share it with everyone else by adding it here! :)