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Previous Updates
20-Oct-2002 10:11 PM
I'm back from my holiday and ready to send requests again :)
I'll get to work on the MP3 list, sort through the links pages, and I'll remove the Download section since I can't provide anything with it right now. I'll keep the poll and if I ever get somewhere else to host episodes for free, I'll put it up again. If you know of somewhere that I can host files on, or have an FTP or something that you are willing to let me use, please contact me and help me share anime with the internet world :)
11-Oct-2002 09:22 PM
Gomen gomen gomen! I've been really lazy when it comes to updates here, but I thought I should let you know: I'm off on holiday tomorrow for a week. Yeah, a holiday for the already overly lazy me. That'll help me ;)
So this is a warning for those who leave requests in the forum, I won't be able to send them 'til I get back. If you don't mind waiting, then post away and I'll sort them all out in a week.
And I promise there will be more updates when I get back. I've been uploading a lot of mp3s to Streamload so I'll add them once I've got them all up. Sayonara! :)
04-Oct-2002 07:07 PM
I can't provide downloads right now, but there is still Streamload. So I've updated the Streamload episode lists. Request what you want in the forum like usual :)
I'll get onto the Streamload mp3 list next, if Icolony is still dead.